Samara Oil Plant
We are a major manufacturer and supplier of fat and oil products.
About Us
Samara Oil Plant is a major manufacturer and supplier of fat and oil products. All our products are manufactured using high-tech equipment from in-house high-quality raw materials sourced from reliable suppliers. We offer various price segments, from premium to economy.
In addition to product manufacturing, we provide turnkey contract manufacturing services and supply raw materials to industrial enterprises.
The decision to build the Kuibyshev Oil Plant was made in 1946. The plant was designed as the largest fat and oil production facility in the Volga region. Construction began in October 1946. Within three years, buildings for two main and two auxiliary workshops were constructed, equipment was installed, and the whole vegetable oil processing facility was commissioned.
The first stage of the Kuibyshev Oil Plant with a capacity of 6 thousand tons per year was put into operation in 1949. The enterprise was among the first in the country to pioneer the production of table margarine “Milky”. Shortly thereafter, the plant launched margarines “Creamy” and “Vitamin"”. Following the construction of soft bulk margarine production facility in 1987, new equipment for the production of soft oils was launched in 1998.
Recently, the Samara enterprise has been producing oils, margarine and fat products, sauces, mayonnaises.
Leveraging our expertise in fat products and working with major players in the food industry, we provide contract manufacturing services for various products.
Why Us
  • 1
    Production deadlines
    We set realistic production deadlines and guarantee adherence.
  • 2
    Competitive prices
    You receive quality goods directly from the manufacturer.
  • 3
    Powerful and modern equipment
    All products are manufactured using modern, high-tech equipment.
    We continuously enhance and upgrade our production capabilities, seeking new avenues for development.
  • 4
    Quality control
    Strict production control at all process stages.
Quality Assurance
  • Control over all parameters of product integrity at each production stage.
  • Responsibility for ensuring the safety of production and storage of products.
  • Concentration of the enterprise's main efforts and resources on identified critical and control points.
  • Timely preventive measures.
Contact us – we will be happy to assist you!
Contact us
Joint Stock Company
“Samara Oil Plant”

22 Maltsev driveway,
Samara, 443 022

+7 (987) 904-03-10
Voronina Elena Nikolaevna
Director General
